
What Sets Bioclad Apart…

The main thing that sets Bioclad apart from competitive PVC wall cladding providers is that every panel is impregnated with silver ion gel at the point of manufacture. This provides antimicrobial protection right through the product and it works 24/7, interrupting the breeding cycle of bacteria, protozoans, fungi, and other microbes.

First trialed with our panels in 2008, the sliver ion technology was developed by our partners at Biocote, the only HACCP approved provider of antimicrobial technology in the world. It is a condition of our license with them that every panel that Bioclad makes is proven to meet their stringent performance benchmark.

Every batch of BIoclad’s hygienic wall cladding is therefore tested, and an individual test certificate produced, to prove to Biocote that we are upholding the very high standards they expect of us. We have never failed to surpass those performance standards. Below is a typical test certificate.



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