Bacteria and moulds are found in every environment and are a natural part of everyday life.
Bacteria and moulds are found in every environment and are a natural part of everyday life. However, even in the cleanest of surroundings, these microbes will begin to multiply on surfaces, sometimes to harmful levels. When these surfaces come into contact with other objects or people, the transfer of bacteria occurs, which is commonly known as cross-contamination.
Some of the most problematic bacteria, such as MRSA, E. coli and Listeria can be spread in this way, leading to infection and illness. Almost every day we hear about the most spectacular outbreaks from the national media. This attention is increasing the public’s awareness and demand for the cleanest, safest and most hygienic products, services and surroundings possible.
Good hygiene practices, such as hand washing and regular cleaning reduces the risk of cross-contamination. As an additional line of defence, BioCote® protected products can complement any industry’s hygiene guidelines and regulations.
BioCote Ltd offers manufacturers the technology and expertise to produce products with an effective and proven hygienic wall cladding solution that ensures protection against bacteria. In turn, they can satisfy their customers’ needs for cleaner, safer and more hygienic products.
BioCote® antimicrobial protection is also effective against the build-up of mould and other fungi and is ideal for products used in moist, damp and humid environments, such as washrooms, kitchens, gyms and older buildings.